The world is facing an unprecedented complex intersection of crises, spiralling out of control! How does that make you feel?
There are problems we are facing as a society, it’s complex, and we can work together to figure it out. That sounds nicer, no?
Our current situation is complex because media technology allows us to know everything everywhere all at once (if we want), or 😊 we can find simplicity in caring each for our local reality. It’s going to be OK. (Feeling better?)
Something to
What if we were kinder to ourselves, especially when we are hurting, when we are sad, when we feel slow, when we don’t know where to go? What if we were more patient with ourselves, more loving?
What if we didn’t dismiss the idea simply because we heard it before, but we embraced the possibility that we for a time have been wrong?
Something is not wrong with us; we are OK. Something is wrong with how we have behaved toward ourselves or the way we have viewed the situation. We have learned incompletely. We are still in process. We can continue growing.
It might help, it might be different, if we care for ourselves, as we would for a pet or a plant or a friend or a child. We are taught to be kind to others. Let us learn to be kind to ourselves.
Something to
Move To
Somehow we missed this song, released in late 2020, but it’s never too late. We can keep going on, we can sing to ourselves, we can start / re-start, discover new good things anytime, anywhere. We can enjoy this thing that is our life together. We can make stuff up, and it can inspire.
Play the song and listen or sing along, or read the lyrics below, or just keep going on!
Something to
Talk About
"Should We Be Afraid of Degrowth?" (Inside Impact Investing, podcast of Triodos Bank)
Timothée Parrique, an ecological economist born in France and currently working for a research university in Sweden, has a conversation here with Hans Stegeman at Triodos Bank. Many misconceptions about Degrowth are untangled, and an ambitious way forward is outlined.
In brief — though I hesitate to abbreviate the larger conversation and will likely revisit later — Parrique explains how the economic obsession with growth over past centuries has had a destructive impact on our wider world. Wealth inequality has continued to get worse, despite claims that a continuous growth mindset (economically-speaking) will benefit all. Clearer ESG regulations and a carbon tax are not enough to improve significantly our environmental problems. Western European countries and the U.S. must lead the way in developing an economic policy of “degrowth” so as to balance better the overall equation in favor of people and planet over financial profit. It is possible to do it (to bring things into economic balance) if we radically re-imagine the role of business and politics.
Take a listen to the conversation if you would like to learn more, or reach out to me to talk about it further.
Something to
Share with Friends
Thanks to all those who attended the virtual party celebrating the Spring Equinox earlier this month. Thanks also to those who sent kind messages or had calls with me in recent weeks. I’ll be turning on the option soon to support this project financially. If I have the courage to do it, it’s in great part due to the fact that so many of you have shared positive feedback during the 30+ months I’ve been writing. I’ll continue writing, and you’ll still be able to receive this for FREE. The “paid subscription” option will be for those interested and able to support new developments. I’m grateful for ALL support and encouragement. Thank you!
I pray my pain is a river that flows to the ocean /
that connects my pain to yours /
And I pray my happiness is like pollen /
That flies to you /
And pollinates your joy /
Oh boy /
Is that possible? /
I don’t know! /
I don’t know! /
We are making this up as we go! /
WE have to make it up as we go /
The keep going /
The keep going on song /
Keep going on,