& Welcome to The Bridge!
You don’t have to laugh today if you don’t want to; it’ll be your choice :)
The photo for today’s edition is one I took spontaneously some months ago when noticing a joke that’s a common play-on-words here in France though I haven’t heard it all so often. I think maybe the image makes the joke self-explanatory? (and maybe if I also clarify: “la plus belle” means “the most beautiful of them all”)
Something Funny (a story continued)
Like I was saying, I wanted to find your mother. Or rather, I wanted to find the woman of my dreams, a woman who would marry me.
I was desperate. I moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (following the advice of Salwedepaz). When I arrived, I didn’t really know where to go, so I was kinda wandering around, and…
I discovered a hidden cave! Well, I’m not really sure if it was “hidden” per se, but it wasn’t immediately obvious to me. Until I found it, that is. Then, I knew where it was, and it wasn’t — Anyways, you get the picture.
Inside the cave lived a powerful woman. She was magic. I could have lived there forever. Maybe you know what happened to Odysseus when he met Calypso? Or maybe you’ve heard tale of Paribanou and Ahmed? Point is, I was tempted and it took me a while to make up my mind, but finally I realized I needed to return to New York.
I was wealthy by this point (rich in my soul), treasuring the times spent with the woman in the cave, and feeling in a good mood I headed toward Central Park with the idea to sit on a park bench. By chance, I crossed paths with your mom on the way. We got to talking and I remembered what I’d learned from that old couple so long ago: It’s the commitment that counts. We were married, and well - you were born. Which brings us to today!
Something Serious
The Faker You Are, The More Successful You Can Be (talk by Pablo Stanley)
This conference talk is so enthusiastic for its subject — if you are or have ever been a Product Designer, UI or UX Designer, Design Systems Unicorn or Design Ninja — this is for you.
It provides sound advice and countless examples of just how fake you need to be in order to be successful. I have watched it multiple times through the years, and each time I learn something new.
Pablo Stanley has since stopped being a Product Designer in startups, which is such a shame. Instead he started Blush - which is where I find all my illustrations. Be dazzled by his slide deck, be inspired by his stunning remarks. Watch this video to learn all there is to know. You’ll thank me later. (j/k - please don’t)
Something to Explore
Hey! Viktor ft Awol One & Mc Redcloud
Changing gears a little bit here, the song for today is a soundtrack number from the recently released mockumentary of the same name (Hey, Viktor!).
Cody Lightning played a young Victor Joseph in one of the most celebrated North American indigenous feature films of all time Smoke Signals. (Smoke Signals was also one of the first feature films to be written, directed, and produced by Native Americans.) So in the indigenous film-making world, Cody Lightning became a famous child actor. If you’ve never heard of him, I’d never heard of him either, until…
I decided to look up the names of towns in Idaho, learned about Smoke Signals and discovered Coeur d’Alene (which was the rather unfair name given to a tribe living in the area when first encountered by European explorers). In the new mockumentary, coming out 25 years after Smoke Signals, Cody Lightning makes a joke of his ‘lost notoriety’ by pretending to invest time creating a sequel to the indigenous film classic, and in the process teaches us all something valuable about the present-day (and the things we’re forgetting).
Also, I just really like the style of this song.
Something to Practice
If we’ve made you laugh today, would you share it with a friend or family member?
Share The Bridge itself, or otherwise share the good feeling.
There’s always two stories being told /
One’s for discovery /
One’s being sold
For all of us getting old…
Take care,