Why subscribe?

The Bridge is sent out every other Wednesday. I want The Bridge to feel like receiving a thoughtful letter from a dear friend writing to you in a way that helps open our mind and move with our heart.
To Subscribe is a way to automate the process of receiving that letter because you never know when you might need it the most.

Be inspired

Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. Each edition features something to think about, something to investigate further, and something fun (to watch or dance to). Always carefully chosen to help extend our imagination and sense of connection to others.

Be part of a community

Readers of The Bridge share your interests: creating a better world through personal growth, thoughtful communication, and endless curiosity.

Some readers even become contributors, joining the larger conversation or writing a guest post.

Support Good Work

For those interested in supporting financially this project, you will not only sustain the work of creating the bi-monthly newsletter but also receive early access to thoughtful short-form essays on the future of work and new economy.

Whether you give of your time and attention, or give financially — Thanks for reading! It’s the greatest gift of all.

Subscribe to The Bridge

An invitation to explore work & play, life & leisure from diverse perspectives. A community of learning in which we mix personal and professional development so as to spark ideas that manifest the new economy.