Today we're going to do things a little differently. August is a vacation month for many, and it's the anniversary of when this newsletter started. So instead of a "Best of" edition that captures the "most popular" from the year, I'm selecting a few to share from the very beginning until more recently that give a sense of the path taken.
Thanks for walking across this Bridge with me!
This is a Newsletter #2
Wed 9 Sept 2020
Not until #4 did I actually figure out the newsletter name. Even still, we can see in #2 that - while the design has changed a little (the colors, e.g.) - the themes & format have remained relatively unchanged.
Reflecting upon the name, I'm seeing that in certain ways The Bridge could have just as easily been called The Web or The Quilt because all three give the idea that memories and ideas (and the suggestions of friends or the cultures of places) are all interwoven. & when I take time to fit it all together I feel more whole, more connected to the memories and the people and the ideas that surround me.
It's a fun process.
The Bridge #19
Wed 5 May 2021
Random fact: Issue #19 was one of the least read (42% vs the usual 50+%) of any Bridge I've written so far. Including it here though because it's worth looking at (again or for the first time).
Especially enjoyed writing about our garden; that was fun.
& Listening to a song about holding ourselves together (self-love) rather than expecting perfection of our parents. That was healing.
The Bridge #25
Wed 4 Aug 2021
Sent nearly precisely one year ago, The Bridge #25 captures some of the most important themes inspiring me : anchoring myself in relationships with you -- friends and family and people I want to stay connected to -- and prioritizing REST.
Pausing each August from doing anything productive has helped me come at life with renewed creative energy in September. Also, take a look at that photo of ice cream!
The Bridge #39 - baby futures
Wed 2 March 2022
A listicle about lessons learned from watching our second daughter grow up over the first 8 months or so of her ever-expanding life.
& an article making predictions about the future (which is already here).
It's fun to remember that we are not only 3-dimensional beings, we can travel through time! via predictions, plans, recovered memories, and so on.
Moment by moment.
Something Fun
The Bridge as a Playlist
The Bridge is not only about growing ourselves and learning from others, it is also very much about the poetic power of music. Not all the songs featured in prior editions are included in this playlist because some of them are not available on the Spotify platform. This is not a plug for Spotify but merely an admission of the limitations of any particular choice or decision.
Anyways, maybe the music will shift your energy or transport you (out of your head, up on your feet, toward hope or joy). Maybe it will be enough to simply browse the titles and celebrate the variety of ways humans out there are creating, making, collecting, inventing...
& what will you make happen today?